Minion masters meta deck reddit. You'll see more Stormy clusters in 2v2 than 1v1 as well.
Minion masters meta deck reddit The card is too good at everything. Honestly, I'm happy for any kind of option for the cancer meta of big unit + priestess. Feels really good when you get good synergy and momentum with your deck draw and unit placement As for advice I'd say just keep having fun and really try to learn the cards. Unmatched is a miniatures dueling game and a re-implementation of the classic Star Wars: Epic Duels. I tried out the new Relics of Old Mayhem in Minion Masters on stream with a deck that we built together. I now have every card and like 40k blue shards that I have no idea what to do with. So you can play it at a high level in team in the present meta too. Many strong cards at the lower rarities. You still want mostly 3 or 4 cost cards to maintain a good mana curve. - Warrior - Dragon Whelp - Shielded Crossbow Dudes - Raging Reinforcements - 2x Brothers of Light Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. From time to time, there's a general meta deck format (zen-chi monkeys were all the rage a month or so ago, and crystal elves are in fad right now due to the recent expansion, but most of these get balance nerfed swiftly enough). Stuff that has aoe is more valuable, etc. Lightning bolt is in my opinion the card that creates a cancer meta. And with flyers meta, you need to build a good anti-air units. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! The algorithm obviously matches you against like decks. For most decks up until this expansion, you could Jerry-rig a facsimile of a good deck and make it work. Master Duel Meta is also a great site for decks & guides, so check it out! Buy all the Master Pack bundles with guaranteed staples & the Duel Pass (as long as it's not close to expiring). Probably, not what you want to hear. And since you're running Our official Subreddit is an official place where our community can connect, interact and discuss everything Minion Masters. Good King Puff decks are swiss army knives of 7+ 4-5 mana minions that abuse perk 2, like Propeller Horde and Flightless Dragons; good Settsu decks answer or ignore opponent pushes then create their own extremely painful pushes with efficient combos like Scrat Tank + Fire Imp, and followups like Infiltration and Chain Lightning; good Apep decks For both 1v1 and 2v2, I always aim for more control/cycle focused decks. Choose your Minion Master… More so Pay to skip out on grinding for certain cards but tbh most cards that u need are easy to obtain thru crafting. Instead of editing them, I simply swap to a new master/deck and keep playing with something else when the 'meta' changes. Heyo actual top player here. That being said it is good to include some counters to the meta in your deck. Last, accursed is a really nice faction, so there are a lot of possibilities and it kind of depends on your playstyle and the current meta. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! They really narrow the options for players. Defend with a 7 drop unit (preferably Moon) then follow up with another 7 drop and an RoS minion to try to force as much mana down your opponents throat at once. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Read the Community Rules here: https://old. I typically enjoy decks that have themes and synergies to them. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! I've been playing some very aggressive decks to end things before she can get to more of her perks (and obviously, the dragon), but some players are picking up on this corner of the meta and playing aggressive morellia decks (which can handle the aggressive decks that are made to beat morellia, plus they beat normal morellia decks) Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. Join me for our very first Minion Masters Meta Review where I look at the leaderboards and see what the meta is currently like. Some decks will not be available due to requiring multiple légendaires Cards. I will surely be back in some months. com Jan 29, 2018 · I myself have about six decks that I particularly love. I want to build something… Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! 23 votes, 28 comments. This works well with masters who gain a card as their perk, like Apep, Valorian, Settsu, etc. The rest of their deck needs to be cheap cards that can make efficient trades. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! There are only 1 or 2 cards from the newer expansions in the top decks, the rest of the cards are pretty much the same used cards as in the past. I only used shards to build meta decks by looking at the leader boards. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! There's a few ways you can do it, the Master Duel Meta deck builder is a good idea. I also appreciate that it doesn't cost me $400 a year to get the expansion cards, unlike other CCGs. Also, big minions work better because your teammate can cover while you save up mana. I have both an accursed deck and a Outlander deck; so fitting them in shouldn't be a problem, I'm just more so focused on which one would be more viable. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army… Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. The deck is really strong and by far the Most easiest meta deck to play, If you dont have a good deck and master to counter it you can only rely on missplays of the opponent, the good thing is that there is only two or three high level player that Play this deck for a long time, the rest is only high ranked because this deck carries them, so Not only will a new player not utilize the cards optimally, but because they are copying a deck without context of strategy or meta the deck will likely fail them greatly. The classic stormbringer C2A deck requires such a specific counter deck and playstyle that 99% of players will just lose if they don't close out the game by the 4 minute mark. So basically as you've been noticing, you're at a huge disadvantage in these match ups. 8K subscribers in the MinionMasters community. Many easy to obtain cards are very good and usable in meta decks, so you don't need too many cards to be competitive. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army… The deck is: Scrat pack, plasma marines, dragon whelp, fire imp, fireball, stun lancers, divine warrior, defenso chopper, succubus, cleaver. 1st look which card is used the most -> could be a meta card or at least there is a specific reason why it's strong atm. Disclaimer // meta rant: Personally, I really had to force myself to do the usual grind this time, because - like very many others - I completely oppose the recent changes to Wild Cards and low cost minions, which It was ezy to play with my friend until master 5, now we stuck because against us are streamers with special builded decks. Also even if so. Used the shards to fill in the cards I needed every so often. You can then share from the DB or neuron Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. Pushing tower damage and having a good counter is one part, but if the opponent plays a second copy of the card you were trying to counter and you no longer have a counter you're in for a bad time. Mar 25, 2024 · King Puff is also insanely strong if you can play him well, though he's probably still the highest skill master in the game. How can you play the same deck… if you want skill based deck good luck finding a season where people aint cheesing the meta where you actualy gain something from playing a skill based deck strategy the randomness, the monthly changes and the imbalance of the game make it very hard to answear this question You can use the in-game chat commands to copy decks as a string, so others can quickly use them /cd and /sd A Frostfeather Flyby targeting the enemy master tower will always touch all 3 orbs, the cheapest way to grab them If your queue takes more than 1 minute, you'll be matched against bots until both players are Master Before reading, check the deck by clicking on THIS LINK Introduction : I’m glad you liked the first guide I made, if you haven't see it yet you can check it HERE. Check the Leaderboard tab on the lower left. Spiritmancer is great, if played well, but a waste of 5 mana if played poorly. Against those decks, you want to slowly build up a large wave of minions by defending at your tower, and when those minions make it to the bridges, you expend all of your mana backing them up or flanking the other bridge to provide a hard to deal with threat that forces the enemy to misplay. If you play bigger units or if you only have a bigger unit card and you are being pushed back Lightning bolt wins the game because it is an instant 4 mana "DELETE" button and if the person only plays one minion then hey, 4 mana trade with superiority is always a good option. Personally, I just play a deck, and then switch out one card at a time when I feel like it isn't performing (or sitting in my hand forever. Living statue is way too high a mana cost for a burn deck that tries to win by beaming face 10 times. Spam waves of Thelecs, maybe using a Beam at some point. 2K subscribers in the MinionMasters community. Then look at their decks and you could do two things. Any ideas? Well, I will try this deck since I try all your presented decks. Collossus can be used in almost all decent decks so he‘s probably the smarter choice for a new player! But if you don’t have all Masters yet- get those first tbh I'm kind of a daggerfall fanboy, I find this spell so usefull. Conversely, no deck is going to get you to Master unless the player knows what they're doing! It's totally feasible to get a copy of everything as a FtP player. You will get this deck up and running in no time because it doesn’t need any Supreme or Legendary units. 8. com/r/MinionMasters/comments/1054k68/new_player_decksguides/?rdt=50369 Some tips: - A deck is always built for a specific master and mode, eg. The original deck used fireball & STINT instead of chain lightning & grenadier, but I like the cheaper spell & I felt I needed more aoe with the grenadier. How can Betadwarf afford this? it's impossible that his game (still) makes profit - dunno ask them, why is this relevant? Decks being very similar is a part of Mayhems by definition - you have to adapt to custom rules. No deck list will give you that. This will give you an idea of what to play when faced with certain minions. Once you figure out what enemy minions you can 1-shot with these, use these to 1-shot defending minions. Why should all other masters excel at Perk 3 when King Puff gets his main perk on level 2? I mean, you dont have to build around masters to have decent deck sure. Minions are easier countered on your own side of the map, with your master tower shooting. The mobile version won’t be released on January 16th as initially announced. Outlander deck stacks/builds, so you dont need a lot to make it work. So you can have one card in a deck up to three times (and that's all the WC's you get). Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. Good decks are mode specific. Other than that they could run the same cards or run some support cards/minions that help deal with: lots of small minions, a high health minion, and flying minions. Suffers from meta decks, bots, and not really being anything more than the 1v1 or 2v2. Gloomhaven, Jaws of the Lion, and Frosthaven are cooperative games of tactical combat, battling monsters and advancing a player's own individual goals in a persistent and changing world that is played over many game sessions. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! That is why I took some break from Minion Masters. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! The deck I run is easily a GM deck (It is my friends deck who is currently GM with it) but it would trivialise my ease of getting from master 4 to GM just by swapping in TTT. Daggerfall kills most small-looking minions and fireball kills most medium-looking minions. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! I just played a Gor'Rakk Brutes deck at Master (Teambattle). 1K subscribers in the MinionMasters community. I built a really simple Empyrion deck, but crystal elves seem cool too. Everyone will gain 6 extra deck slots. New Mode: Practice Mode replaces Challenges as an easy way to test your deck. Stuff like magma storm is usually crap in 1v1 but can be very good in 2v2. Learn your master. Are there "themes" in minion masters that are also meta? 12 votes, 30 comments. ) Meta examples: Eldlich, Sky striker Non-meta examples: Traptrix, Altergeist, Subterror If you dont have any mele minions as Volco, you could play any other masters and be littelary SUPERIOR. Volco is reasonable to play if you have cheese decks in mind, since giving all your minions rage starting from perk 1 can aggro your way to victory if you play well. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! 8K subscribers in the MinionMasters community. It can os most of the < 3 mana cards (except few melee as warrior, lost legio or cursebearer ) and it's just the card I use in almost every deck. For more info, join the Master Duel Meta discord & check out the different channels for helpful pinned comments & discussion from dedicated players. Two to three 1 drops for cycling/bridge grab, Cursebearer for Morellia's dragon and other high-health targets, Plasma Marines for anti air, and Morgrul for 1-shotting Plasma Marines (and just being a generally great card). I'm relatively new, I've been playing for months on n off, so I'm not as experienced in deck building as others. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! -Currently the best RoS deck is RoS, 3x Thelec, Howling Moon(FP for budget), Beam, Last Stand, Bahra, and 2 other 7 drop units. You can look on the leaderboard and see their decks. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! I just enjoy screwing around with off-meta decks when possible and am wondering what nonsense people can get away with using the new commander. 1 of them was such rushes with rammers, cleavers and the big suicide card. im still gonna g'head Hello, I have the following deck idea, but I'm still wondering which cards to put in, anyone has any ideas to fill in the deck? Feel free to test this core deck and give feedback in the comments as well. I also already have a ton of supposed staples. It wasn't bad at all, got a few win streaks. Ideally this will kill the priestess push and have the blue golem trade a bit better, but I think the critical factor is if this is enough to reset momentum in your favour which is a hard sell when it's 10 whole mana. So far my experiments: Accursed: Valorian does really well with the beefy Undying Corpses style decks as he can get even more mileage out of your skeleton boys by healing them. Overall, it plays good at silver 1 but feels weak in some areas, specifically bridge control and deck cycling for certain answers. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! 10 votes, 24 comments. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! And wins, a lot. Keep up the good work! Well, any master works with any other. Surprisingly, a Jungle Jumble deck works WONDERS with him. 3x Re-boomer, colossus, defenso chopper, fireball, heal puff, dragon whelp, cannon roller, and ghost (cause everyone is running colossus or commander azali or brothers of light and other big hard hitters with no air attacks) is what I was running last night and I started 6-1, not finished yet. Mordar is great in theory. Whilst this information is only a snap shot we can get a good idea of what is strong this season, including what could be the best master, best card, best spell, best legendary etc! Newer players may not have the knowledge on how to utilize a deck properly just based on the cards, especially decks which have linked combo's Reply Top posts of January 9, 2019 Top posts of January 2019 Top posts of 2019 Deck building reasonably accessible to a new player. It does have great value and works well against standards counter like Fireball once KP gains his T2 perk, but teching in an extra Chopper or Whirling Scrat counters it very well. That said, this isn't Magic:the Gathering, where you have a great chance of winning if you have the top meta decks. meta decks are available inside the game. They cant afford to spend 5 mana to soak up 1200 damage. I rarely get past Master 5 in any given bracket. . King Puff - King puff's deck buffs his 4 and 5 cost minions with shields and rage which can be very powerful in different situations, but don't only spam your deck with those cards. I am wondering why aren't there any decks on the leaderboards, where players use more than 5 cards from the newer expansions? Are the newer cards that niche? You mention the deck being filled with easily counterable small minions, but there’s a reason that most decks tend to lay low mana-wise: Cheap minions are by far the most effecient way to capture bridges, 1-2 mana for a bridge is a p good deal. Milloween Dragon's Nest decks, even after the small nerf, are still one of the stronger decks in meta right now. Got tired to deal with 1 out of 3 strong meta decks almost every game. Furthermore I would like to know the Mana average. Some deck lists of various "Meta" decks would be appreciated so I can do some research as well as make better decisions when crafting my deck. I suggest going to take a look at the top decks each month and see what cards consistently see play. We ask that you follow the following rules to ensure that this Subreddit has calm, constructive and productive conversations: Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. Cheap spells are a good addition, but dont go mad on offensive spells, since you make yoqur deck unflexible, utility spells are a good idea. Archived post. Or you can have two cards in your deck twice each. Red Golem gets to the stage where he can 4-shot the enemy tower at full health, Battle Shi-Hou just shreds tanks with Berserker's Rage, Shen Stormstrike can oneshot Warriors, and most of the other melee units you can get from JJ are great with Berserker's Rage too. Apr 6, 2021 · Ultra Cheap Stormbringer Deck. The real problem when it comes to obtaining cards is when you want to play certain decks like ascension decks or a werewolf deck. Me? I go down in flames and frustration, preferring a less "reactive" play style. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Furthermore, also a new special version of Minion Masters to Android & iOS, without ads or in-app purchases, that can cross-play with PC and requires a Netflix subscription to play. 6K subscribers in the MinionMasters community. When you're looking to craft and you have limited resources see what is prevalent In the meta as commons and rares and start there. The idea with this deck is to push with cleaver & bazooka to make the opponent decide which one they want to deal with. In my opinion it should be around 3. ) I am pretty new too (only made it to plat 1 last season) but I do believe that masters are more or less equal, and only determine a play style. 2nd look at the composition of the decks itself, find out which cards works good together. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! If you would like some ideas which cards or masters do well, then check out the ingame leaderboard and their decks. In Minion Masters, a player can't have access to the best deck in the game simply because they lack that one single card, which is a legendary, the hardest type of card to get. Other things I've done: Screenshot the deck from my linked account on my phone and share it Copy the deck from MD to the official yugioh DB, which also gives you access to the deck in Neuron. Unholy Ground is nice but there aren't any good removal spells and the threshold I rarely see posted decks. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Minionmasters Manager Yeah of course, but ideally you want to have no minions in play when placing Gax, and some decks work because they have lots of minions in play, usually low hp glass cannons, who are demolished by Gax. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! I occasionally like to write up small guides about 2v2 decks that are currently good in the meta and helped me to get to Contender. So our Minion Masters family, meta and matchmaking, has good chances of growing and evolving a lot this year. You mainly want to focus your decks by utilizing your master's abilities. I just ran this deck initially by accident for a few games at master 3/4 level on team (the bottom of top 50 is presently in the low master 2s for context). but either way yeah it may be entertaining to have a trail of dragons from your tower to the bridge but. com/r/MinionMasters/comments/caimyl/ingame_rules_report_function_updated_08072019/ Jun 26, 2024 · There's a good starter deck made by Jackeea: https://www. Might get problems against certain tier 1 decks who most likely only play in Grand Master at Great cards right now. What you have to deal with half of the games right now (at platinum and diamond at least) is - Cleaver heavy builds + some other super aggressive Master damaging cards combine. Learn what kind of deck will make the best use of the master's perks and what possible weaknesses. This is called Wildcards. 5 to 4. It's a card that you want to build a deck around, more than a card to drop in a deck you have. Decks will be reset. Can someone help me build an OP/Meta deck with the cards I have here. Game Modes removed and deck resets: House Event and Conquest removed. I have all the masters unlocked but I can’t seem to find the right deck for me. This deck is extremely powerful, particularly given the low craft cost of 650 shards and the average deck mana cost of 3. The Deck: Ravager: Illusary Cleaver, Haunting Hunger, Daggerfall, Frostfeathers, Re-boomer, Scrat Hord, Stun Blast, Sun Burn, Tranquil Shi-Hou and Gor'Rakk Brutes. While there's always a value to those sites, there's been less of a need for them in Minion Masters (and thus less priority in being developed) for a variety of reasons, the most notable if which is that the Top 20 leaderboard/decks are integrated right into the game's main menu. Yeah the meta of the game feels like mainly bridge capture and big unga bunga units but there's more then one way to win a match. Awful in 2v2. It suffers from lack of flying minions, weak and few ranged options, and slow melee minions with a DPS and HP that are comparatively bad for their 4/5 mana cost. reddit. Really, the meta and decks are pretty much completely different. I play MM for one year and never complained about any card or meta. You'll see more Stormy clusters in 2v2 than 1v1 as well. I don't like this; plain and simple. Every time I change decks, I'm suddenly getting a stream of obviously tilted matches which are tuned towards my own deck. I've been using this modified deck I found from an old youtube video. (Main deck s/t removal people. Control decks are much stronger in Master Duel, as the lack of a side deck means opponent's can't side in spell and trap hate like twin twisters, harpie's feather duster, and IMPERIAL ORDER. This means that the best player in the world running a slow burn control deck will lose every single game against the average C2A. But i find ritual of servitude and the 7+ decks very annoying, to me is boring to play or play against, very low skill, and incentive hard counters to big minions or bloody imps kind of deck which create a polarized and boring meta. These card will be very important once your living statue reaches the enemy tower. Brought to life with stunning artwork and the combined design teams of Restoration Games and Mondo Games, it features fighters of all kinds – from the page to the screen to the stuff of legends. That video is almost exactly the deck i had in my mind to build, though i only have two werewolves so i was going to throw out a rakk gate, and either combust them or use the werewolf spell (forgot name) depending on what came rolling out. Building your deck around your master will make it work that much better. Decks that don’t work very well even if you’re missing one card like a Howling Moon or a Nyrvir. My favourite is to run an aggressive deck with for example Rammers (I like 3x), as your taunt totem protects them when they hit the enemy master tower and you can use your crossbow turret to chip loads of damage to the enemy master while the rammer is attacking or in case you are facing Ravager, at any point. This means that certain cards/master combinations are simply broken. Stormbringer wants ranged minions while Milloween wants spell cards (to benefit their perks) See full list on gamerdiscovery. It's not necessarily the feature card of a deck but you do want to carefully consider how the cards in the deck support the spiritmancer and how they are supported by him. Minions like elite swarmer and spells like thorns. Cards that can get lots of value when played right. Definitely. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of… I personally love my Avea deck, it’s not exactly meta but still strong and really fun in 1v1. Anyway, I will report back after trying it actually. Spawn of fury if they have it too. And tbh, I still play your Mordar deck (edited though, since the meta changed) and it works ^ But his deck, it doesn't seem so powerful in 1vs1. You can have a really good deck that works with one master but try using same deck with different master and it could completely fall apart. Mordar can respawn minions, so you want to build your decks with high health high damage minions like colossus, with utility cards that heal them like healing fireball. It has had its moments where meta was just stupid broken but balance changes would roll out after a month or so. This is the Minion Master Deck for you if you’re looking for a bargain. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! The 5 Mana legendary that does damage If somebody plays a spell is a good milo card. My mana curves are often something like: 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 >4 >4 You want several units that do generic things, at different costs: single ground unit, ranged dps, spell, horde card Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. true. The nice thing about the game is that there is a wide range of masters and cards which are used successfully. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! I think it is boring to copy - paste a deck and climb like that. 3. However using a copied deck as opposed to making your own differs very little when it comes to getting a handle on the game. Hello! I am new to the game. This deck loses incredibly hard against Volco and his T2 perk as well as your classic Colossus deck or flying based decks. Would be a great help as I’m fairly new to the game. Not just the ones you use but the ones your opponent uses and make note on their interactions and how each minion does versus another minion 1v1. The deck pretty much worked. Don't feel urged to copy their decks though but simply use them as inspiration and buy the cards which sound fun to you. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Just play big minions and revive those big minions! In the meantime, you either have to split your big minions and spend a disgusting amount of mana (which probably gets your push destroyed before your tombstone activates), or go all-in on one lane (which gets your base destroyed). Any deck can take you to high ranks if played well. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Your partner would at the very least have a guardian, Wizard puff, and priestess. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Also you can use the in-game chat command /cd to copy your deck an paste it here. Otherwise the game is fantastic. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army… Over the past few months I have lead to play Team Battles exclusively, I’m Master rank 2nd division and that’s been my level for a couple seasons… This game is one of the most f2p friendly games out there. Mayhem is a game mode with various different rules where you attempt to get 12 wins without losing 3 times and grab a Legendary card plus a lot of other rewards! Minion Masters only started doing Battle Pass a few months ago (not long after I joined) and it (along with other time-gated features) makes logging in every day attractive without also feeling like a burden (except when I get a crumby quest haha). The best I can think of is a burn deck, or Crooked Cook Exodia, since, for some reason, the Master Duel community has been falling apart when it comes to Crooked Cook these days. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of… Official Subreddit of Minion Masters from BetaDwarf. But Ratboy followed by Mordar are probably the two the weakest Masters currently. Having to think about your deck is what makes it different from the ladder where many more decks are viable up until certain point. if they still offer it, the every master forever package is good value. Don't you mind playing against the same people (therefore also the same decks) over and over again, even if you win? - no, it's usually different people but the same meta decks, this is fine, I use my same deck. You can have up to three in any given deck (assuming you have more than one copy of the cards you want to use as Wildcards). Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of Minions to go head-to-head with other players in a real-time online minion battle! Currently doing fine, progressing through gold, but is there somewhere to look at current 'meta' decks or just popular ideas to build off of? Like… erpowered legendary stacked decks with things like Rimargaal, Jahun, Wreckinator, Lord-sentinel thelec Thelec OP???? 💀 Rimargaal Air minions (since he cant attack air) and put ground minions behind him so he have to do a 180° turn to attack them Jahun Tank with strong range minions Wreckinator Defenso Chopper: Yeah that it. The real time aspects of MM take experience to know how best to handle situations. So here Is the second meta abuser deck :p I lost a lot these days to this kind of deck with double imps + double sacrifice, so I decided to make my own, depending of my playstyle. Choose your Minion… Yeah the core gameplay is done really, really well imo for MM. Choose your Minion Master and collect an Army of… I am getting really tired of seeing the same deck being used over and over again even if it’s been slightly changed. Not at all; it's just easy to play which means bad players can't screw up too badly and thus the deck seems stronger than it is. It's fine if Gax is a removal tool, but a Gax-centered deck, by essence, is going to use it a lot. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Heres the rub, the outlander cards with a 'special tech ability' 3 of the 4 cards all cost 3 mana or less; so you cannot actually use the Outlander Minion Master in a Outlander Minion deck. xyla coy czeit iohobp lqjq gjsrac ggw goav dylu ytyjs